Tag Archives: prayer

“work” is a Four Letter Word

Ok – I have been pondering this for a while. Most people won’t understand why I am going to write an article about this because most people were raised differently than I was. Most kids, I think, get jobs, as kids, unless perhaps they are raised by drug addicts. I was raised by “old money” alcoholics – people on the outskirts of the 1%, so I was raised to believe that I was special-er than everybody else and therefore was just going to get everything I wanted forever. I was going to marry the right dude and I was just going to float along in wonderland. This was unfortunate, because it did not turn out that way, which is part of the reason that I am 52 with a Masters Degree working at a supermarket. There are other reasons which I won’t get into, besides the economy, which is in the dumper, as we know. That is a factor but it is not an excuse.

So, that being said, in order to work at the supermarket, I had to do a lot of work spiritually to ready myself for it. I had to get a new meditation practice. I did the Silva Method from teh book You The Healer, by Jose Silva because it was regimented and has a lot of potential for growth but also has a quick-fix kind of nature to it, which is what I need right now.

Sure – people reading this article could roll their eyes and think – “grow up whiner” or whatever – yes – think that all you want, but nonetheless I had to ready myself spiritually for what I was going to be asked to do and feel and think in this situation at age 52. What I am saying is that kids that do these sorts of job as kids are a lot better prepared for living than I was. And I have quit most jobs like this much sooner than I have quit this job. I have quit this job (not yet, mind you) only after I got another one – and the one I got might be just switching seats on the Titanic – but we’ll see.

My parents – my mother in particular – oddly was not raised by old money. She was raised by 2nd generation immigrant parents and worked her whole life as a public school teacher. My father, although he lived off an inheritance for part of his later life, also worked as a journalist and freelance photographer, successfully. He was the old-money dude. He went to the family Ivy League school. All his other kids went to Ivy League Schools. I am the only child of he and my mother. The family are members of Skull and Bones from way back.

My brother, the oldest of the twins, went to the family Ivy League School and became a lawyer and is fairly successful although not a super rich lawyer. My sister and my other brother are both losers like me. My sister was homeless in her car for many years and is what I saw as my future if I did not make a change because she thinks she is a prophet and believes that the Galactic Federation is going to “reset” the planet “soon”. My brother has not worked for 30 years, is on anti-depressants, with a large wine collection in the basement, at age 65 – another Ivy League graduated lawyer. His wife is a workaholic librarian who worked for an oil company and was the bread-winner. Needless to say – not happy campers. My sister cleans houses, house-sits and sells other people’s stuff and skims off her mother’s money. I thought of myself as an amazing artist for many years with a lot to say as well. I am an amazing artist – but as I have said in other articles, when it comes to the marketplace this does not really matter. I had to live as a couch-surfer for the last 6 years to come to this.

I have had over 30 “jobs” in my life. I have worked retail, legal, office, owned my own cappuccino cart, done graphic design, tattooing, been an illustrator, vended on tour with a band, and been a fine artist and taught college level graphic design, painting and drawing and taught privately. I have gotten fired often, because I make faces of which I am not aware and have a “tone” in my voice. Last year, I was in southern California, staying with my niece, daughter of my sister. I overheard her on the phone on speaker talking to my sister and I heard “the tone” I use – I listened in horror at the two of them talking and heard the “entitlement” tone that is “me” – that was IT. I decided then and there I had to change that about myself. Where that came from I don’t know – but it is not just “me” it’s my family. I have to kill it – it has to die. They sounded haughty and disdainful – I had never heard myself although people have suggested I videotape myself and then I will change. I am sure this is why I have been fired 30 times for my “attitude”… plus the sarcasm does not help…by the way.

So, coming from that scenario – here’s what I am learning about “work”. Work and the practice of “work” creates a space in the brain where I learn to “do” things that I don’t have to want to do and don’t have to like to do, but I just do them. For 4-8 hours per shift, I do things that I have to do whether I like them or not – liking them or not liking them, feeling good or not feeling good are irrelevant.

And perhaps I can and will take this a step further to say that I am in service to others in doing them although with Perilous Path, I don’t think that is actually true and that is why I think it is relevant to discuss this. With regard to Perilous Path, I am not in service to anyone really because Perilous Path itself and how it does things cuts off it’s own nose to spite it’s face – so the things I do in that shift actually harm everyone – they harm the people I am selling to, they harm the owners of the company, and they harm the planet. Perilous Path’s procedures are based on fear, so my time is spent doing things like “counting the cigarettes”. This action is irrelevant because it’s purpose is to keep “us” from stealing the cigarettes. So when I get reprimanded for not counting the cigarettes properly, I don’t really care because it is not going to help Perilous Path for me to count the fucking cigarettes over and over – because the whole purpose of counting the fucking cigarettes is to ensure that on my shift I am not stealing the stupid cigarettes.

I am not good at counting, and I told them this from the onset. The only reason I can do it now is that I don’t take it that seriously. I do it once or twice. If I do it more than that I am going to get a different answer every time and I am going to go nuts. Then I won’t be available to do my job.

However, because the rest of my life has meaning, I am able to continue doing this “job”. I had to ask myself though, why? What the fuck could I possibly be doing that would benefit me and God – and that is when it came to me that I am creating a space in my spirit for doing something because you have to do it and having liking it or not liking it having no relevance. That is important to develop in order to be a whole person.

I think back to the days before we were industrialized. Farmers had to labor in the hot sun day in and day out growing food. I think comparatively this work would have had a lot more meaning than selling Gatorade and Lotto Tickets to the “public”, but spiritually it is probably synonymous.

We cannot escape the purpose of living. We can “civilize” living all we want but I think what God and Nature provided for us here was a better option all around because in working with nature it caused no harm and only caused betterment for all.

We have to learn the things we have to learn regardless of how we learn them. Perhaps the dry rocky soil hand-tilled with a make-shift hoe gives back the same kind of emotional response that a guy on a cell-phone who throws a $10 bill on the counter and says “Ten on 3” and turns on his heel and walks out – as above so below – and it is my spiritual job to be nice to the guy and not send him RUDE back just the same as it would have been to continuing tilling the ground – because you gotta eat… but spiritually the ground-tilling operation provided the same character-building that receiving rudeness and returning it with kindness provides.

That’s all for now.

Turn the Other Cheek…

Ever tried that? Turn the other cheek? I can’t do it. I am always sarcastic. I have this one customer. She buys scratch lotto tickets. I have a thing about scratch lotto. I don’t like it. To me it’s like selling drugs and I don’t like it.

I have this one lady who comes in. Somehow I really started off on the wrong foot with her. She has tattooed eyebrows and not very many teeth and she wears a lot of makeup – she’s probably around 70 years old and she buys scratch lotto tickets.

The first day I met her, I was eating lunch at Perilous Path – trying to clear my head. She was super nice to me, but she annoyed me. I tried to be nice to her.

The next time I saw her she came in to the store when I was very new and wanted to redeem her lotto tickets. There was a long line of people waiting to get gas almost out the door. I asked her politely if she would be willing to let me help the other customers first. She got so angry at me! She said “I am a customer too – just like them!” I said I was sorry. I don’t think that scratch lotto ticket buyers are just like gas buying customers.

I think scratch lotto buyers have more time than gas buying customers. I think they should step asside and let the people who are trying to get somewhere buy gas. Maybe this is wrong of me, but it’s just what I think deep down in my being.

Well – too bad for me because we sell scratch lotto and lotto and gas and each customer gets equal time and attention and are equal under the eyes of Perilous Path…

The third time this lady came in I was in a bad mood. She asks me how I am. I know I am just supposed to say “Fine. How are you?” – that’s just what we say. That day, I could not bring myself to say it. So I said nothing. Her comment to me that day was “Be nice. Don’t let them get you down.” I wanted to kill her.

Yesterday she comes in at rush hour. She had 3 scratch lotto tickets. 2 were $2 winners and the 3rd was a $40 winner. “Wow” I said “Good for you!” – and I said it in a nice way – but she won’t let me out of my box that she’s got me in and she said I was rude. There was a loooonnng line of people behind her. I don’t know what I said – something – and I said “do you want cash?” because a lot of times these people just want their winnings in more tickets. “Cash!” she demanded. I rang it in wrong – as I often do with the scratch and lotto transactions and gave her $40. She glared at me. I said “Oh, I made a mistake, I am sorry.” and she started screaming at me

“why are you embarrassing me in front of all these people???” I couldn’t resist. I said “I think you are doing that for yourself right now.” “YOU ARE A RUDE WOMAN” she yelled. Well, that’s actually true. I know I am. Especially when I am threatened. I have been fired many many times for my attitude problem. But this time I am not sure that I was in the wrong. I admitted I made a mistake – what more does she want from me.

I just think probably there was a tone in my voice.

Last night I called my prayer partner and prayed with her about the situation. I can’t do anything about this one. I did tell my manager about it, of course. But beyond that – God has to fix the ions between me and this woman. This is when I am grateful that I am in the Union – they can’t fire me for this I don’t think.

Anyway – it’s about Turning the Other Cheek – it’s about being genuinely kind when someone is being rude and mean – and what that boils down to is NOT REACTING but ACTING.

I would like to get this because I don’t want to BE a reaction to YOU. I want to be autonomous and act how I want to act no matter what you are doing – YOUR emergency does not constitute my emergency.


Today was my birthday and I was at Perilous Path for the night shift. In fact, they scheduled me for the next 3 nights in a row and I will surely have insomnia. It sucks, it really does. I am once again thinking about becoming an Art Therapist or some kind of counselor, but the thought of going into debt for more education is just wrong to me… Maybe I will look into World Education University… but will anyone accept a certification from a non-accredited school … or after Mercury goes direct on the 26th and we maybe move into the new apartment I will look for a Starbucks near the house… Can I survive at Perilous Path until then???

I am doing this all for my friend and I so we can live together and provide each other stability… my friend has been homeless on and off his whole life since he was 21. He had an accident when he was 21 which caused brain damage and he has not been able to stabilize. He has other problems as well. I met him when I was living in Berkeley, CA last winter, having “gone home” to be near my family. It’s a long story that I won’t go into now, but he basically told me he didn’t want to continue living that way and we became friends. We moved back to this fly-over state together, and he got a lot of veteran’s benefits here that don’t seem to be available in CA for some reason… I was not able to “make it” out there either – now he is going to move into an apartment and I am going to live with him, maybe, if it all works out. We are going to help each other – I will stabilize him and his SSDI check and qualifications for a voucher will stabilize me. I certainly can’t afford even a room here on what I am making… I am working here at Perilous Path for him really cuz I figure, I was living as an artist the last 6 years – I could keep doing that somehow by the skin of my teeth … except for him. He is too old to live this way anymore and his family abandoned him…

Today was especially hard after 3.5 days off and 2 of those days at my favorite place on earth. I took him with me up there… he is like a pigmalian story. He started out as a crazy guy and now he is really getting well – it’s a miracle to watch…

After 2 days in lithium water, I just could not figure out how to do anything. I had to go into the back and beg God – almost on my knees – although the cameras prevented me – for help… That is how I get through this job. I pray constantly and I just try to stay IN the day and say to myself – can I do this for one night only? A meteor may hit the earth tomorrow and I may be dead, but CAN I do it one more day?

These 2 girls came in – they were bitching cuz their electricity had been off for 11 hours… I told them “well it’s my birthday and I am working here…” They came back a few minutes later with cupcakes!!!

I could not believe it – it was so sweet. I don’t know these girls. I have never seen them before in my life, but I prayed for help and shared that it was my birthday to cheer them up and they bought me cupcakes!!!

We all ate cupcakes together and I didn’t know their names – I still don’t. It was a night speckled with humanity… because they left me with the cupcakes — then I gave one to this homeless guy who comes in late at night and gets free straws or ice and he said his birthday is tomorrow! It was nice.

Prayer is the only thing that works in this situation – because this is such a hard situation – and being that it’s on the “avenue” I run into all kinds of situations – and constantly have to dispel the negative spirits with spiritual protection blasts – sometimes I feel like I am in a cartoon – the whole thing can be surreal – tonite was one of those nights where good triumphed over evil in a beautiful cupcake way…

Poor planning on YOUR part does NOT constitute an emergency on mine.

I was given the next 3 days off. I had asked for Wednesday because I had a meeting with the state agency that will be giving my friend and I our Section 8 Voucher. And the manager also gave me Thursday and Friday off as well. I started getting calls from Perilous Path at noon today. When I got back to my co-worker all she said was “I got Mickey to come in.” and then she said she would call me later. She called twice at 515 and again at 530. I had a feeling something was “up”, so I prayed about it – I don’t like being caught off-guard and I don’t like to make snap decisions. I usually am a people-pleaser right off the bat, when asked to make a snap decision and then I turn out to be a people-displeaser so I prayed about it before hand, and asked for a sign from God.

I had already got the chiropractor to tell me he is in on Friday and my advisor is available on Friday as well…

When they scheduled me for 7 days in a row last week, and then 2 7-hour days this week, my sciatica started to come back. I had worked with a chiropractor for a year of weekly appointments to get rid of it and now it is coming back from working at Perilous Path.

So – I prayed when she called me back at 545 – she said “Can you work on Friday?” Nope, not Friday…

I said “No, I already have other plans. (Feeling GUILTY!!)” I said, “I will see if I can re-arrange them but I have other ways I make money.” I bought myself a little while to feel this out.

I guess the manager did not show up for her shift and is not returning calls to her phone.

When asked to help out in this “emergency”, I know that I am supposed to NOT fall prey to this BS that the slaves who work at this place fall prey to – but it is HARD. I want people to like me just like everybody else. I want to get a long with my co-workers – but there is no reciprocity in this situation.

This is once again an instance where standing up for principle for the highest good of all is me looking like a princess and them all looking like they are pulling together to save the day – I forget also that my own manager, who is the Union Steward for this store, has inferred that we have to work off the clock in order to get our tasks done rather than standing up to the GM and bringing this to the Union for renegotiation of the contract.

The employees are in fear for the illusion of security and allow these employers to enslave them. For the greater good, I say NO.

God, why do I have to work at Perilous Path Gas?

This is another post I will come back to, most likely.

Yesterday I prayed with my prayer partner (yes, I have a person I pray with regularly) for God to show me why I have to work at Perilous Path Gas. I know in my heart that I have to work here, I feel it and I am grateful to have a job after 6 years floatin’ living as an artist – it was fun in a hippie way – but now I have a serious responsibility, which I will get into later, I am sure, and one of my chosen advisors suggested I “get a job, any job and take the first one that is offered.”

It’s weird because for 6 years I did everything I could to get a job including having 3 job counselors and I got odd jobs and freelance jobs but never a job like this – and when he suggested I do this, I decided to do something I had not yet been willing to do – put my SSN on the internet. Up till that moment, I was fine with couch-surfing to live up to my principles, but it had gotten to where I could see that I was not living up to my principles at all – I had become instead, a bankrupt idealist.

I thought it might have been “Good Times Burgers” or “McDonald’s” that was the first ones to call. I am GRATEFUL it is not either of those. My advisor told me if one of those was the first to respond, that I was to take it. I was willing but I hoped not and I hoped not in prayer.

Perilous Path is HARD. For someone like me – who has researched sustainability, food accessibility, Agribusiness, Supermarket Distribution, Whole Foods, Factory Farms, Food Inc., Tapped!, The Money Changers, Thrive, etc. it is HARD for me to swallow my pride and work for this place. But, like I said, I have a huge responsibility now, and I have to work and make a living, however meager it may be.

So I asked to be shown.

Last night this guy came in who I have seen before… and we had a conversation this time. During our talk I discovered that he is sleeping outside and is, among other things, an honorably discharged veteran. *Bing* – That’s one reason I work at Perilous Path Gas. I get to run into people I would not normally run into – people who are hopelessly lost and might need a leg up, if I can spend some time in conversation with them. I do have some experience with this and I offered him a hand. We’ll see if he takes it. He said that tomorrow – Tuesday, he would go to the local VA Hospital and get an interview for the VASH program with a request to get into our local Domiciliary and later an apartment. I am sure I will find out if he did it – he came in today and said “I am going tomorrow!” …

So today as I started my 7 hour shift in my Birkenstocks on the mat, to avoid the inevitable Epsom Salt Soak, I prayed again to be shown. I found myself trying to get faster and faster with the register because people come in and they are naturally impatient if they don’t immediately get up to the counter. Impatience is what this culture breeds and so convenience becomes more and more brutal.

And then this older lady came in with her credit card in her hand. She said, “I need gas and I want to use this.” There I was, in my rhythm – and she tripped me up.

Two things about me is that I have a tone in my voice and a look on my face. I have a vibe I give off. I am certain it comes from a combination of the spelling of my name according to Chaldean Numerology, my Astrological makeup and my upbringing, but that’s a tale for another time.

I have been fired innumerable times for this “tone” and “look” that I have. I have never been able to shake it and I have done a LOT of work to shake it. Even asking Jesus to stand between me and the peeps – I slip up – and out comes the “tone” and the “look”. So the older lady comes in, card in hand, trips up my rhythm, and I am annoyed – so there’s the tone and the look – I am sure.

She doesn’t understand how the card machine works, she doesn’t understand what I am asking for when I ask her for her Rewards Card, she does NOT understand!!! And half way through the transaction she gives up – cuz I am NOT helping her at all – and says – “I am going somewhere else!” and she walks out.

*Bing* Oh! That’s it!! I am like the people I complain about now!! I am trying to become mechanistic and fast, and I am running down the HUMANS. I get it GOD!!! You want me to SSSSLLLLOOOOWWWW down – like Slow Food – you want me to piss people off with my slowness so that I can help the people who need help – and guess what – I won’t “look good” and people won’t “like me” because I won’t be “easily” discarded as the clerk behind the counter –

I need to be slow. I need to be considerate. I need to look each customer in the eye. I need to pray. I need to be the one who gives something to these people buying Gatorade and Fossil Fuel. I need to give them something more – whether they know I am or not – and I need to be patient with the Beamers’ and the Mercedes’ hot shots who come in with an attitude expecting me to read their minds – they expected to PAY AT THE PUMP but unfortunately they have to come in cuz their receipt didn’t print to ask me for one!

And especially for them – those ones who are having trouble climbing through the eye of the needle – I need to be nice, courteous, prayerful, helpful –

And then especially especially helpful to my elders – on who’s heals I am walking – I am not far behind them at all and by the time I am 60 or 75 or 80 – where the hell is this world going to be?

I watched first half of the first episode of the new TV show Gotham on HULU the other night and just could not go on – why??? This is not Gotham – this is REAL and I don’t want to invite it into my living room as my entertainment.

So for now, if God wants to humble me, He’s got me in the RIGHT job whether I LIKE it or not – which I do not.